Lead, develop and champion CPL One’s digital development team.
Strive to achieve industry-leading standards and quality on digitaldevelopment projects.
Play a leading role, with others, in championing CPL One’s digital offerto external and internal audiences (This offer includes digital andwebsite development, digital design, digital marketing and digitalpublishing.)
Identify and champion opportunities to grow CPL One’s digital offer,and inspire others to do the same.
Uphold CPL One’s reputation for excellent customer service byproviding a high quality, responsive and agile service to internal andexternal clients.
Lead CPL One’s in-house digital development team.
Oversee the delivery of all digital development work, ensuring projectsare delivered on time, on budget and that they meet or exceed internaland external customer expectations.
Develop skills and competencies within the team to enable delivery ofprojects.
Look for opportunities to grow CPL One’s revenue and profit throughboth current and new business.
Coach and develop the team to ensure CPL One’s customer servicestandards are delivered and maintained.
Continuously evolve the process for delivering digital projects, utilisingnew tools and learning where appropriate to deliver projectssuccessfully.
Continuously assess the strategic effectiveness of CPL One’s digitalproducts and make recommendations for improvements.